At approximately 11:00 am Oxford time, Hutton, Al, and I arrived on the doorstep of the Crick house with luggage in tow having braved Heathrow terminals, customs, the central bus station, the Oxford bus station, and a taxi driver. After a brief pick-me-up in the form of peanut butter sandwiches and tea with milk and sugar, we defied the jet lag and went exploring!!!
Guys, Oxford is the most quaintly and exquisitely lovely place I have ever experienced. These pictures - of course - can't fully capture it (1, because it's a crap camera; 2, because I'm a crap photographer), but try to experience it with me. :)

Crick. Our house. It's a duplex like most houses here (it reminds me of The Magician's Nephew!). See those basement bay windows? Mine are just like that only in the back.

The view from our door. The basement rooms are separate from the rest of the house, so you have to come down these stairs to our doorway. It's all icy and I slide all over the place.

Then a tree attacked me. And by "attacked me" I mean a load of snow from one of its branches suddenly dropped on my head.

That car was stuck in the snow and these guys were trying to push it out. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of that moment because I was busy rushing up and offering our help. Like we could've done anything. They laughed and said "No, thanks, we got it" in fabulous accents.

We walked through a very dark and narrow doorway and found this fantastic vista that looked like Hogwarts. It was actually Keble College.

Then we found THIS!! (Something we later realized is quite commonplace.)

AND THIS!!!! I have yet to enter the doorway.

We're excited. :)
Wow. This is incredible. I'm glad you have snow, and you really need to find a place to go sledding. Have you checked the attic of the house yet? There could be some secret passage way up there.
ReplyDeleteAhhhh so pretty! Can I vist? Glad you got there safely!
ReplyDeleteSo excited FOR you! Your explorations have just begun. It looks more than incredible!
ReplyDeleteKeep Katherine in line... we all know she needs it. ;)
(PS: My mother is now the newest reader of your blog. And she thinks:
A. Aw, you're cute!
B. Where you're living is magical.
I completely agree.)
Hannah! I'm amazed at how much Oxford looks like Marshall, TX! But THEY don't have anything like our historic courthouse... ;)
ReplyDeleteAh waaah ahh ggggaaah blbluhbluh...eeggllehhh....
ReplyDelete(Some of the sounds my brain made while I read your post and looked at your pictures.)
This ... is ... so ... INCREDIBLE!!! I've decided that England is DEFINITELY on my list of must-go-to's. Gosh. Awesome. I'm speechless. I love it. I love YOU. And I love British accents. And I have nothing intelligent to say. I just love you.
Hey, there, Pumpkin. I added your blog to my reader. Now go out and have the kind of adventures that will entertain me. Indeed, I can't imagine why "entertaining Jeanne" wouldn't be the primary motive behind all you do. (Or all anyone else in the world ever does, for that matter. When are people going to get their priorities straight?) Oh, and "finding" a phone booth is NOT exactly what I have in mind. Just so you know.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog title--love that book, too.
Confidential to Sarah: You may want to have someone take a look at your brain. It sounds like something may have come loose.
HANNAH, MY LOVE!!!! I'm in blissful shock at what you're getting to experience! Keep the stories and pictures coming so we can at least vicariously experience this. :D
ReplyDeleteI love you!!!!