Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Overheard in the Classroom, Episode 2

"Come on, electrons, come on!" -A reporter encourages his computer charger

"I'm teaching young character assassins." -Dr. Roy Atwood reflects on training journalists

"Oh I'm assuming I'm gonna get a very breezy draft." -Dr. Atwood announces his expectations for our first draft which is deadlining in an hour

"I mean, this is like trying to kill a mouse and taking a sledgehammer to everything!" -Dr. Atwood weighs in on the education debate

"The short version is I don't know what I want to do and the long version is that my parents have a vineyard, and I know that in ten years I will have to take care of the vineyard with my husband who will be toiling in the vineyard." -Rosella, my roommate


  1. i just want you to know the "made up" security word on that one was 'inchiess.' COME ON.

  2. As stressful as it may have been, you caught some great quotes.

  3. My security word was "annicsp." Usually I can pronounce them and make up believable meanings. I was a little disappointed.

  4. Annicsp [ANNE-ik-sph] n. a trick of speech conjoining seemingly incompatible consonants into a meaningful word
