Thursday, March 4, 2010

A break from "Hamlet in Purgatory"

So I needed a break from homework and decided to be a minor creeper and google my Shakespeare tutor, Josh. Since he was the one imposing homework on me, I thought I would impose my break on him. Little did I know, I would spend my five-minute break being imposed-upon by his accomplishments. What I discovered did NOT surprise me, but it definitely blew my mind a little bit. I should title the rest of this post "Amazing Fantastic Things I Have Learned About Josh, My Shakespeare Tutor."

#1 - He graduated from Harvard. (Yeah, the old "I'm from Boston" -- I knew it had to mean something.)

#2 - He is a Rhodes Scholar. (Which is how he ended up in Oxford.)

#3 - The man who taught him Shakespeare is Stephen Greenblatt. As in, Stephen Greenblatt, arguably the greatest Shakespeare scholar alive. Also the guy who happened to have written the book I'm currently taking a break from reading and that I'm writing a book review of, the guy who is quoted in almost every undergraduate Shakespeare paper ever written since 19-something.

And here's something he wrote that I found interesting:

All this to say:

#1 - I knew he was a genius but I didn't quite realize exactly how genius he is.

#2 - All I want to do in our last tutorial this Monday is ask him to talk to me about himself. That would be sooooo interesting.

#3 - I am now only one degree of separation away from the greatest living Shakespeare scholar. WHOOHOO!!!

#4 - I'm intimidated. AGAIN.

[Note added later: I just wikipedia-ed Stephen Greenblatt and he apparently jammed with Art Garfunkel at summer camp and was invited to join him with "his friend Paul Simon" making music. But Greenblatt decided to go to college instead. He also used to do casual performances with the group that later became Monty Python. CRAZY.]


  1. So now you're two separations from Art Garfunkel, three separations from Paul Simon, and TWO SEPARATIONS FROM THE MONTY PYTHON GROUP!!


    You're so cool, because you know Josh and Josh is so cool partly because of all of his accomplishments but mostly because he knows Stephen Greenblatt and because Stephen Greenblatt while being an amazing Shakespearean GOT INVITED TO JAM WITH SIMON AND GARFUNKEL OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (If Dr. McAllister knew that I'm more excited about Greenblatt almost being in Simon, Garfunkel, and Greenblatt than that he is a brilliant Shakespeare scholar ... he would write me off forever.)
