Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Today I decided it would be a great day to get a tan. If I had made a For and Against list to "Getting a Tan," it would've looked like this:

Yes, these are the conditions
in which I decided to get a tan.


-I am not tan.


-"Extreme Drought Conditions"
-"Heat Advisory"
-99 Degrees Fahrenheit
-Humidity: 50%

Foolishly, I did not make this list.

Instead, I made today's decision much like I make most of life's important decisions: I judged by my feelings on the matter.

I stepped outside the back door to "test the temperature." Though I admit I was at first unable to breathe, my ultimate conclusion was that it didn't feel as hot as yesterday. True: yesterday was 105 degrees. "It's cooler than 105 degrees" is like saying "She's prettier than Alice Cooper." No shit.

But I didn't think about that. I just took one look at my fading tan lines and thought how fun it would be to get some sun. I got my bathing suit, towel, and Communion with the Triune God.

(Yeah, that's right. Reading John Owen while tanning takes the edge off first-world guilt. Though at the time I just grabbed it because it's what I'm reading.)

Guys, it was so hot I legitimately thought my nail polish was melting. But I got a nice base.

In the meantime, I also discovered a new casualty to drought conditions: Playing in the hose. Like this. No more of that if you care at all about your greater farming community. This realization, punctuated by a moaning cow over the fence, marked the low moment of my day.

I eventually trooped back inside. I say "trooped" because I felt like a Calvin and Hobbes strip. You know, the one where he's complaining about being bored, so his mom sends him outside and he begins screaming about heat stroke or something. It took me about an hour to return to room temperature.

Lesson for all you kids out there: Being bored does not mean it's a good idea to ignore all parental and governmental warnings and think you can just go outside when the whole world is under a heat advisory.


  1. Creative non-fiction is definitely your thang! I can't wait to see what stuff you write in the coming months. P.S. You're the cutest!

  2. Here you are! What am I saying????? You are in Chatty and I am with your Auntie, Uncle and cousins, soon to be at your house! with your folks! I forgive you. Let's just say that we may need to do coffee in Chatty soon. Still, I find myself ignoring the wisdom offered to me. Including Katie (you will have to ask her about it) Mullaney.

    So here you are in cyberspace......time to follow you...

  3. I am laughing so hard, Hannah! This is hilarious. You are a very funny writer!

  4. You should write columns for some big newspaper. Totally a Marley and Me moment here in terms of writing. I'm laughing my butt off.
