Saturday, January 30, 2010

Out of the Blue

Today ten of the Crick girls walked to Magdalen -- "maudlin" -- College to watch Grant and his a capella men's group, Out of the Blue, perform with the Princeton Tigressions, an a capella women's group from Princeton. (And when I asked Grant, "What, Princeton Princeton Princeton??" He said, "Yes, the real Princeton. In America." That Princeton.)

It was absolutely dazzling. They were soo excellent and so animated and so funny and so freaking good at singing. They opened with "Don't You Want Me Baby" and we were screaming with delight by the end.

Other songs they performed:

Stevie Wonder's "Knocks Me Off My Feet" (which, had I been standing, would have knocked me off my feet)
"The Lion Sleeps Tonight"
"Stacy's Mom"
"Lullaby (Goodnight My Angel)" (aaaaaahhhh!!!! one of the greatest songs ever-ever-ever)
"Pokerface" (yes, Lady Gaga)

Kate and I agreed that Covenant needs an a capella group. Officially.

1 comment:

  1. "Princeton Princeton Princeton?" As in, a record record record?

    Wow. That sounds absolutely fantastic.

    How in the world are you getting ANY work done???
