Saturday, February 6, 2010

People I Live With.

So I was skyping Sarah last night and the dear little blog came up and she had a suggestion for its improvement: Stop nonchalantly mentioning people we know nothing about and tell us about them instead.

The result of which is that I'm starting a new blog series entitled: "People I Live With." (Creative, no?)

Today's episode will be featuring my room. Crick House, Basement, Room #11. Residents (yipes! I almost said "inmates"): me, Alison Gore, Laura Hutton, and Amy Capo--Cappo--Cappa-- I obviously can't spell her last name. Amy C.

(Left to right: Alison, Laura, Amy)

Alison and Laura are both Covenant-ers. (WOOT!) Laura lived on my hall and Alison lived down the hall from me on 3rd Central. So we all know each other really well.

Alison: She is an English major so obviously she's awesome. She's studying Old English and Old Norse here so obviously she's a nerd. But a closet nerd. Alison and I cook together for our food group on Tuesday nights, which means singing along to LADY GAGA (or some other awesome music on my grooveshark, such as: Justin Bieber, Kanye, Train, Phoenix, etc.) and lots of screaming and exclaiming over the food (such as "If we cook it long enough, it can't be toxic!").

Laura: Well, she and I were really close before we even came here. She's a music major and she's studying Musicology here. She is my voice of wisdom, commiserating partner, and the one who will tell me, "Hannah, you are a great woman and great women do great things." We pretty much need each other.

Amy: She is NOT from Covenant so she is a new friend. I just want to say: She is braver than most to be able to face rooming with three girls who already knew each other! DANG. She is obsessed with leopard print, Harry Potter, and angsty teen punk music. Also, in a crowd, we can always find her because she almost always has that bright pink hat on. She also needs only about five hours of sleep a night.

Room 11 everyone. Stay tuned for more. :)

1 comment:

  1. Two things: I love that you used the word Yipes, and I'm not sure about the word angsty. I think it would just be angry.
